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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-04 08:03:12


关于”越来越多的学生出国留学“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:More and more study 。以下是关于越来越多的学生出国留学的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:More and more study

In years, has more and more . More and more go for study. They say that in those , by with or there for a long time, they can with and .

After home, they will have a . They be than in many Big . I agree with them very much, but I want to them of the fact that quite a of are they can't get what they want, let alone .

They are and have to be . This is to the in China. They lack and can't even right from wrong.

Some even of this, on the , so we more .






In years, has more and more . More and more go for study. They say that in those , by with or there for a long time, they can with and .

After home, they will have a . They be than in many Big . I agree with them very much, but I want to them of the fact that quite a of are they can't get what they want, let alone .

They are and have to be . This is to the in China. They lack and can't even right from wrong.

Some even of this, on the , so we more .






In years, more and more to study . Some think it's not good most of the don't come back, but I hold views. This is a good thing.

More go for three . First, , with the rapid of China, more and more to home and make use of The rich the . The and most are to offer to them to home.

some do not want to home, we are glad to see that of the above , more to work in China than . I think this is not a bad thing for more and more to study .



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