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英语历史名言有哪些.docx 3页VIP

文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-06 06:03:52


英语历史名言有哪些英语历史名言 will be kind to me for I to write it.—— is the only in which has gone from to the usual of .—— ; that's one of the that's wrong with .—— to come will find it to that a man such as ever the face of this earth.—— is more or less bunk.—— Henry men do not learn very much from the of is the most of all the that has to teach.—— charm of and its in the fact that, from age to age, and yet is .—— to the , but , the good old days weren't good and aint as bad as it seems.—— Billy are the only group in to have been into .—— Erica who knows of knows that great are . can be by the of the fair sex,the ugly ones .—— Karl is the of past that have to agree upon.—— major of was in the name of an .—— Ayn can't say isn't : in every war they kill you in a new way.—— Will who the past are to it.—— was right when he said that we learn from that man can never learn from .—— ShawI once asked my how we were to learn from his , when it to me to be but a and of of any human .I .—— Drake the world with a 100-foot .—— sun never sets on the is in the east and the sun sets in the west.—— most of , was a woman.—— has until it has been .—— Woolf感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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