Trees are very to us. First of all, they from the air, and need to . , trees are very .
They us with wood and other . Many small and live on trees, and some of them also get food from them. If we have many trees, trees can also soil .
We can the from , but it is not the least . Trees are green. They can make our more .
, in our In many , have not yet the of trees. They cut down trees at will. They are too lazy or too .
, in order to plant and take care of new trees, to . In , trees are very . They are our good .
We plant more trees and take care of them.
The of : the of in the in a of time L + L = L + the key is why and the in the biota are . that this paper to is how to solve this . One of the most is that the of has had on both and in the past few .
, has the of , , , and , all of which have the area of and , the , and and have to in 。 These are quite 。 China is a , where most live as or , to live , (using) and on land in order to high , the in the - other human , such as war and trade - the - , , , ships, and His not only and with noise and light, but also fuels and them into in the , water and soil。
On the one hand, it is to some human that may cause harm by legal means. On the other hand, the is an or for to the of and .
生物多样性下降:在一定时间内生态系统中物种的数量种群l:l:l l l l l l l l l l+l=l+关键问题是为什么生物多样性和生物群中的种群都受到负面影响,本文试图回答的另一个问题是如何有效地解决这一问题最令人担忧的原因之一是在过去的几个世纪里,人口的增长对动植物都产生了不利的影响。具体地说,人口的增长加速了包括制造业、通信业、交通运输业和建筑业在内的各个行业的发展所有这些都削减了动植物的栖息地面积,它们还染了环境农业和渔业也助长了发展中国家的灾难,这些问题相当可怕中国就是一个令人信服的例子,在那里,大多数人以农民或渔民的身份工作,农业无疑迫使野生动物明显地生活在其他地方,为了获得高产量而在耕地上施用(使用)杀虫剂和化肥,进一步削弱了生态系统中脆弱的平衡——其他人类活动,如战争和贸易——进一步了生物平衡——飞机、铁路、卡车、船,而其他交通工具,不仅要用噪音和灯光动植物,还要消耗化石燃料,转化为大气、水体、土壤中积累的有害染物,一方面要用法律手段对一些可能造成危害的人类活动进行另一方面,环境对人们来说是至关重要的教育或启发,使他们了解保护动植物的重要性。
is us, such as air, water, , , and so on. They us in many ways and are to our life. , the , can't .
It's not too late to our . begin to the of the , and we have begun to try our best to the . We are with air, water and noise .
The will be , the sky will be clear, the will be , and the will be and . We that we will our and live in a world. We the use of bags and lunch boxes, and will our with .