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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-08 01:09:06


【#英文写作翻译# #我的大学生活英语作文带翻译200字#】大学生活是多姿多彩的,每个人既自律又自由。®无忧考网为大家提供《我的大学生活英语作文带翻译200字》,欢迎阅读。



Hello .Today I'm glad to be here to give a about my fresh in China .

First I must say the life is from what I have in high .For ,I used to lean upon my to wake me up on time.But now I have to set alarm to make could hear them in the I would miss my class.And then even worse there would be me

my !So the are and I could find them.The of life is great and its :I have more time of my own and the to how I live.

My are rich and . has a habit to me cause I plan to study in next few years. is my .I have kept on it since I was a girl and I wish to win more in my life.

Our has the first level and the most ,also has the best (laugh).I it to be a honor that I've got a to study here and I hope that we could live lives in our !





我们的大学有一流的设备和经验丰富的老师,也有 好的学生(笑),我认为我有机会在这里学习是一种荣誉,我真诚地希望我们能在我们的校园里过上精彩的生活!


New life ! Ive been this for a long time.,I a .

All good must come to an end ! I am now apart from my and many good .I am that I will have to do on my own .

Being is the exact thing that I am to think about! I'm now with my new .I enjoy being with them,they just like my good in high ,being kind and !

My is a place for a new ,I'm sure I'm a new life , here is full of ,quite from in high , are not going to tell you what you are going to do ,you will have to make your own .

So far,I'm along so well with me , me with and ,I'm going to make a to my life!And I have every on .I will still have to move on......








The I into the , I I would spend a long time here, but soon I have come to the last year of life. Time flies and when I look back on the days here, I hold the good , which will be the of my life.


, I as my major and I love it. I found some of my did not show much in their major, and they learn it their made the for them. So I felt lucky to learn what I liked. The more I , the more about my major I . It was the key to help me know more about the world.


, I have made many good . Since I lived in the dorm life, I to get along with my . The lucky thing was that we had so many in . We our about the hot , which made me . We each other when we set the and made .


The life in is such an for me. I gain both and .



It has been two years since I first got to . Some of my say that the life is , they have of time but do not know what to do. , from my point of view, the life in is and as long as you make it .


In the first in , I didn't relax and I still hard as I was in the . I spent two hours in study at night and I went to the for .But the is that I have many . For , I went to the on night, in which I could my and make with .



, I join the Union of my . In the Union, I have a group of who work hard and to each other. , it looks like a big, warm that we can share our lives . , I the of team that helps us go .


, is great stage to a and show one's . In , I know more about our and get more to the world. I that I am not only a but also an adult who is to step into the .


In short, I my life in and I will try hard to make it as well as .



“The who get on in this world are the who get up and look for they want, and if they find them, make them.” Such is the made by Shaw, a great . This view has been now by more and more . I’m very glad to and i the that i have come to not for one , but for many.


First, is such an ideal place to my and make more . The youth of be open-, of being a with a . I’m ready to meet more and make more the four years.


, I’m to step into the after high . I’m I’m not fully for the : , for , a of and etc. I have to face kinds of major as well as . I seem to be over-, but that for part of my .


, to the all-out from my , i am able to my study in . I’ll spare no to live up to their on me to be a well- and well- .


I will learn and in my life and be an of .



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