Tea in China.
China is the of tea. It is said that tea in China began in the era, at least for more than 4700 years. Until now, the Han still have the of using tea of .
There are many kinds of tea made by the Han : bean tea from Taihu Lake, tea from , salt tea from Hunan, tea from , top tea from , tea from , tea from , Lu'an from Lu'an, etc.
tea has a of over 5,000 years, which a of tea have come into being, from tea plant and , tea-leaf to and tea. Tea- are in the area to the River for mild and there, such as the of , , and . There an of tea , e.g. , , Pu’er, . Tea is one of the by all the 56 in China. Many that a day is not a cup of tea. in the warm area or on the , stuff like tea, tea and milk tea are all among the . , both and tend to in on poems, , and on the tea. 茶在中国已经有5000年的历史。
在漫长的历史中,围绕茶的栽培、养护、采摘、加工、品饮形成了一整套独具特色的茶文化及相关艺术。长江以南是中国茶叶的主产区。浙江、云南、贵州、福建等地气候温和,土地肥沃,十分适合茶叶的生长,造就了龙井、乌龙、普洱、铁观音这些驰名中外的名品。 茶文化是中华多民族文化中的一个共同特征。五十六个民族都有饮茶的习俗。许多中国人在生活中不可一日无茶。不论是在温和潮湿的南方山区,还是冰天雪地的北方草原,工夫茶、酥油茶、奶茶都是人们特别喜爱的饮品。以茶为题的诗歌、散文、舞蹈、戏剧更为人们特别津津乐道。参考资料: