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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-09 02:01:47



关于”写历史“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目: of wting。以下是关于写历史中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1: of wting

About the new and some in the class. OK, this is my first time to my blog. In fact, my wting is very poor.


So, you know, I can't my ideas , but I will try my best. Today, I met Quinn Ike , who is the of o class this . He is a , bee in such a hot day in He's weang a big, heavy , and, when he's weang a heavy coat, what's he ? Maybe he's got a bad cold.

, I like a forei , n he's weang weird , not a with a bad . Hey, I don't want my ear ht again: is he a funny guy? Ha, great, Right) by of his , his her and crazy , he the first part of the new class fm a new face, but this class is a bit bong. I think most of the time it is his .

We have no . He about the culte and of the West and the East. We these as the of stoes than o It's , and the west is an story.

He asked a , why do say that we have many years of , than a few years or other . For , this is a to . We have told us since that maybe we have nr doued.

I can only it based on my , bee we can find the word "", the time is Many years ago.






, in chief of the U.S. Army dung the great , was the first of . He , , , and in , that were by and were the of 's mate born on 2.

At , the son of , a , and Mary Ber , , had or no Howr, his early shows that he had read , , and . In his later years, he a in and . He a style of and wting.

not so elet, its were clear and , tall, stng, and like . He was an der and it The thves on and . He was to a party to the land owned by the Faix , to which he was mared, west of the blue dge.

His gave him a in the of the West. In the , he was an for the . Over the next o years, he sral sveys for on the .

He was to a of by the rank of major.







It has been sn years since I first came into with . Since then, these have bught joy and spse to my life. How did I learn ? Now let me show you my are and .

There are fo in : , , and wting. First of all, we use Talk to . , we can impve o and ; , we to vaous as much as , so that we can impve o ; , when we meet , we often read a new word in books.

We first guess its thugh , and then look it up in the . Foth, we wting if we have any ideas. We wte it down with a pen ght away.

It is very to avoid wting and using . As long as we , speak , read and wte , we will make . I words in , and .

In , words are to , so that you can the usage of each word. If a word often in an , you can it later. After this , if it doesn't, you can read the again and again to it and it in this way Yo is .

This is not my way to learn . My is . I was very in when I was young.


The most thing is that when you learn , you must to the . While to the news, I also to the news fm VOA, B and radio When my is not bad, I will wte down I hear so that I can learn some and . When I find my is not bad, I will start China Daily, China today, 's and other .

These are my ways of . I will do my best to learn well.





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