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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-09 03:01:43


Good , , dear & .

I'm Lai from the of & . Do you know what date is it today? Today is the Date. I'm so glad to stand here today to share my idea about Games with you all. The title of my is: what can we do for Games?

First of all, let me tell you a story that 2 years ago. At the end of , 20xx, when I to come to for study, my hel* * ** Party for me. They said: after your , you look for a job in , and then in 20xx, we shall go to visit you the Games. I and : OK, no !

Time flied and 2 years . Now I am a . My and ask me: what's your plan after your ? Go back home, stay in , or go to some other ? And I : I will stay in . I make this not of my to my 2 years ago, but : I've in love with ! I'm eager to the Games with my , and I wish I could do for the & for the city.

As we know,

早上好,我亲爱的老师和朋友们!我的名字是李,从类4 O 5。今天,我很高兴到这里来。我的主题是“我们的学校”。







Chen &Chen (15):

There are many in our life.But have you ever that some of them may be truth and some of them may be ?Let’s Chen and Chen to help us find out the truth it.!!! Chen (15): is the of .We know 8,000 times in the light bulb.But as we all know,after his hard work,he the whole world.After about 's story,Chen from Class 15 has to say as well.Let's her! Luo (16): Are you good at ?What’s the of your ?Well, Luo from Class 16 today may give us some clues about it.So let's him to make us a !!! Xiao (16): Have you the movie 'The of '

this ? I can still what Chris said to his son,it me .’You got a dream,you gotta it.’That’s what he said.So what do you think about this movie?Let's Xiao from Class 16 to talk about his to this film.Big hands!! Peng (16): Wow,the next topic may make you crazy.I hope that you've heard about the . the next is going to talk about like that. that we about the and about last term.So what will Peng From Class 16 bring us next?Let's him on the stage!


我们生活中有许多谚语。但你有没有意识到,他们中的一些人可能是真理,其中一些可能是荒谬的谣言?让我们欢迎陈和陈 it.背后帮助我们找出真相! ! !陈(15):失败是成功之母。我们知道,托马斯·爱迪生在发明灯泡几乎失败了8000次。但我们都知道,经过他的努力之后,他终于改变了整个世界。阅读著名的音乐家贝多芬的故事后,陈从15类也有话要说。让我们欢迎她!罗(16):你擅长学习英语吗?你成功的秘诀是什么?嗯,罗从类16今天可能会给我们一些线索。让我们欢迎他给我们讲话!欢迎! !肖(16):你看过电影“追求幸福”

在这个寒假吗?我还记得克里斯对儿子说了什么,真的给我留下了深刻的印象。“你有梦想,你就得保护它。”他说。你觉得这部电影怎么样?让我们欢迎肖从类16谈论他对这部电影的印象。大的手! !彭尾矿(16):哇,下一个主题会让你疯狂。我希望你听说过。因为下一个演讲者谈论这样的事。还记得我们谈到了关于上学期计算机的优点和缺点。所以接下来彭尾矿从类16会带给我们什么?让我们欢迎他在舞台上!


Good , , dear & .

I'm Lai from the of & . Do you know what date is it today? Today is the Date. I'm so glad to stand here today to share my idea about Games with you all. The title of my is: what can we do for Games?

First of all, let me tell you a story that 2 years ago. At the end of , 20xx, when I to come to for study, my hel* * ** Party for me. They said: after your , you look for a job in , and then in 20xx, we shall go to visit you the Games. I and : OK, no !


Time flied and 2 years . Now I am a . My and ask me: what's your plan after your ? Go back home, stay in , or go to some other ? And I : I will stay in . I make this not of my to my 2 years ago, but : I've in love with ! I'm eager to the Games with my , and I wish I could do for the & for the city.

As we know, will host the 29th Games in 20xx. As a , I think many are : what we can do for Games. Most of us are not , we take part in ; we are not , we don't need to do the work. We are only , what we can do!

There are still so many we can do! For , for me, I am a . As far as I am , I will keep on hard, and apply for being a . I will use to serve the Games with other . And also, as a at that time, I will avail of the great that the to us, make more to offer my to the of our .

And for all of us, with the goal to host a "Green ", we shall plant more trees, grass & . Don't waste water. In order to the of air & , we shall take buses & more. With the goal to host a "'s ", and in order to make our more and to make our more , we shall help we meet who needs help, we shall abide by rules, don't smoke in and no . The most way for our to our Games, in my , is to work hard on our .



首先,让我告诉你一个故事,发生在2年前。在20xx年8月,当我决定来北京学习,我的朋友帮助* * * * 党给我。他们说:在你毕业之后,你应该找一份工作在北京,然后在20xx年,我们将在奥运会期间去看望你。我笑着回答:好的,没问题!





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