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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-09 08:02:50


关于”商务结尾敬语“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目: 。以下是关于商务结尾敬语的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


The of honor "honor" is often with , , great and lofty . When it comes to honor, will have the image of Yang Liwei. Chen or , like the here, are of , but the us have ways They have made to the , how about them? They use to their daily tasks, but they are not known.

Are they still far from the honor? they just clap for the on stage? They not and our . I don't think so. I would like to bring a Miss Zhang.

For , she has for many years. have the first of from her and in of her . Over the years, Miss Zhang is still an , any , and .

But in my , she is. Every time I stand on the 's chest, I can't help of Miss Zhang, my and my to her, just as Pope said: good , all the exist in our daily life It to you, to me, to every .





Dear sir, we have from the that you all kinds of high-end . We are in a high- . our sales is small and our are very high, send me a with price and terms.

We will be very if you can of all kinds of bags, . Dear Ms. Jones, thank you for your on our .

We are glad to learn that you are in our . We are you a copy of our and also some which are often used in the of our . We that we can't send you a set of , but you can rest that and skins, not here, are of the same high .





Dear sir, our order : Black Serge. We would like to draw your to the fact that the of the goods by M.S. road prior to the of the case is found to be much to the for our order, and each piece is about M in .

the we sent from the Lloyd's , we are sure that you will agree with the of the goods. We are now in a very our are very with and they are to ask for . We hope that you will this and call us back as soon as .

Thank you for your .





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