India (Hindi: भततततततततततततततततततततततततततततततततततततततत GA ṇāā JYA) is a in South Asia. It is the in area and the in the world. It is also the most in the world.
It is by the Sea in the west, the bay of in the East, China in the West, Nepal and in the , and in the East Sri Lanka, and on the Ocean, which is the of in the Indus River Basin. The is a with a long of trade and a huge . In its long , the is for its and .
The four world of , , and here, while Zorro In the early 18th , the East India the and was by in the of the 19th . After an by non , India a -state in. At rates, India is the world's and in power.
has made it the large . , it still from , high rate, . It is a multi and multi- .
India is also home to a of in .
印度(印地语:भातBhतBhārat另见印度共和国官方语言(印地语:भातततभतततततBhêrat Gaṇarājya)是南亚的一个国家,它是以印度洋为边界的世界上地理面积第七大国家,第二大人口大国,也是世界上人口最多的国家印度南部,西濒海,东濒孟加拉湾,海岸线长达公里,西与中国接壤,东北与尼泊尔、不丹接壤,东与孟加拉国和缅甸接壤印度洋上的斯里兰卡、马尔代夫和印度尼西亚接壤,是印度河流域文明的发源地印度次是一个历史悠久的贸易路线和庞大帝国的地区,在其漫长的历史中,印度次以其商业和文化财富而闻名,印度教、佛教、耆那教和锡克教四大世界起源于此,而琐罗亚斯德教、犹太教、教和教在公元前xx年到达并形成18世纪初,英国东印度公司逐渐吞并了该地区的多元文化,并于19世纪中叶被英国殖民,印度在经历了一场以广泛的非暴力抵抗为标志的独立斗争后,于年成为一个现代化的民族国家。按市场汇率计算,印度是世界第十二大经济体,在购买力方面排名第四。经济改革使它成为增长第二快的大型经济体,然而,它仍然遭受着贫穷文盲率高,营养不良是一个多元、多语言和多民族的社会,印度也是各种受保护栖息地中多种野生动物的家园。
India is a in South Asia. It is the in area and the in the world. It is also the most in the world.
It faces the Ocean in the south, the Sea in the west, the bay of in the East. India has a of km long, , Nepal and of the 's of China in the north, and and in the East It on Sri Lanka, and on the Ocean.
The of India is the of India for short. in South Asia, the of India is the in the South Asian and one of the with . It , , the 's of China and Budan with its and rich and .
like Nepal and , Sri Lanka and are the sea India is also the of , one of the three major in the world.