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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-02-21 00:01:12




一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容 10%

( )1 A 12th B 21st C 11th D 22nd

( )2 A sing B sang C song D saw

( )3 A B C D

( )4 A drink B think C thank D drank

( )5 A many B any C funny D fan( )

( )6 A B April C D

( )7 A hers B ours C D his

( )8 A B phone C D

( )9 A take off B get on C put up D get off

( )10 A milk B meet C D met

二 听录音, 根据所听内容选择正确答案 5%

( )1 A Yes, we do. B No, it doesn’t.

C I was in Liu Tao’s house. D Yes, I was.

( )2 A It means you ’t make noise.

B It means you keep off the grass.

C It means you ’t .

D It means you ’t eat or drink.

( )3 A He did his .

B They a film.

C We have a good time.

D I .

( )4 A It was the third of June. B It was .

C It’s the third of June. D It’s .

( )5 A Day B ’s Day

C D May Day

三 听录音,根据所听内容把对话补充完整 10%

A:Hello, David. Did you have a ?

B: Yes. I to a

A: ? What did there?

B: in .

A: What did you do?

B: We sang and .

A: Oh! That’s a great .

四 听录音判断,与短文内容相符的写“T”,不符的写“F” 5%

( )1 My is on the 5th of May.

( )2 I get a lot of .

( )3 My gives me a book.

( )4 There is a from my .

( )5 My are a song to me.


一、单词辨音 5%


( )1 head mean bread

( )2 her

( )3 where pear dear their

( )4 what who where which

( )5 right July

二 英汉互译 10%

1 拔萝卜 2 在6月1日

3 赏月 4 去年圣诞

5 谁的手表 6 回答我的问题

7 watch a 8 a lot of

9 at a 10 a ago

三 用所给词的正确形式填空 5%

1 My can _____ (make) cakes. He _____(make) some for us now.

2 Helen is a (me).


3 He _____ (is) at home just now.

4 A: (pick) lots of . Did you _____(pick) a lot of ?

B: Yes. And (eat) some too.

5A:Whose is this? Is it _____(you)?

B: No , it isn’t. It’s _____ (she).

6 Miss Li. () to you.

四 句子匹配 8%

( )1 When’s your ’s ? A It’s his.

( )2 What did you do on ’s Day? B Yes, I did.

( )3 Who is it from? C They visit their and .

( )4 Did you watch TV ? D ’s Day.

( )5 What date is it today? E It’s on the 1st of July.

( )6 What comes after May Day? F I had a party.

( )7 Whose pen is it? G It’s the 3rd of .

( )8 What do do at ? H It’s from Mum.

五 选择 10%

( )1 This isn’t _____ pen. That one is _____

A my; my B my; mine C mine my D your mine

( )2 Where’s Su Hai and Su Yang? They _____ in the just now

A are B were C is D was

( )3 Can you pick _____ for me,?

A it up B up it C its up D up its

( )4 The are too small. look after _____

A them B they C D their

( )5 They often _____ their _____ .

A did in B do in C did on D do on

( )6 What do do _____

A on New Years’ Day B on New Year’s Day C at New Year’s Day D at New Years

( )7The boys _____ this .

A the B the C clean the the

( )8 What _____ it mean?

A does B do C did D was

( )9 Do you like the park? _____

A Yes, I don’t. B Yes, I do C No, I do. D No, I doesn’t.

( )10 I ask the man _____ me

A at front of B in front of C in front D at front

六 按要求改写句子 12%

1 keep grass it off means the you

2 We in the .(改为否定句)

We ____ _____ in the .

3 Her last .(改为一般疑问句)

____ her _____ last ?

4 My cows on the farm.(对划线部分提问)

_____ your cows ?

5 Helen her . (对划线部分提问)

_____ _____ Helen ____ ?

七 根据情景完成句子 10%

1 在圣诞树底下有许多的礼物。

_____ _____ many _____ _____ the _____ tree.

2 请为我打开我的盒子。

_____ _____ box for _____ , !

3 人们通常在元旦走亲访友。

_____ visit their and .


This means “ ”.

6 国庆节在什么时候?在十月一号。



It’s on the _____ .

八 阅读理解 10%

1 根据短文内容判断,与短文内容相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”5%

An class

The Maths class is over. The are a rest. But the is here. She is some up on the . Some are her. are at the and about them.

The are their class now. The is them . One is , he’s the ’s . Many are up their hands……

( )1 The class is over.

( )2 The of is here.

( )3 The are to music.

( )4 Many are doing their .

( )5 The is some now.

2 根据短文内容选择正确的答案 5%

A:What’s the time now?

B: It’s to four.

A:What are Li Hong and Wei Fang doing?

B:Li Hong is the doors. Wei Fang is the .

A:Oh, and who are the floor?

B:The boy is our . The girl is Yang Ling.

A:Are they hard?

B:Yes, all of them are very hard.

( )1It’s now.

A 4:20 B 3:20 C 3:40

( )2 What is Li Hong doing?

A She is the . B She is the doors. C She is the floor .

( )3 is the ?

A the B Yang Ling C Wei Fang

( )4 are the floor?

A The boys B The girls C The and Yang Ling

( )5 Are they hard?

A Yes, they are. B No, they aren’t. C Some of them are hard.


一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容

1 It’s the 12th of May.

2 I saw many in the park.

3 It’s .

4 This is a bear, I think.

5 Do you eat any cakes?

6 my .

7 They are ours.

8 Whose phone is it?

9 Boys and girls, put up your hands.

10 Let’s milk cows.

二 听录音, 根据所听内容选择正确答案

1 Were you in Liu Tao’s House just now?

2 What does “No ” mean?

3 What did they do?

4 What date is it today?

5 What is in ?

三 听录音,根据所听内容把对话补充完整

A:Hello, David. Did you have a good time last ?

B: Yes. I went to a party.

A: ? What did you do there?

B: We up in .

A: What else did you do?

B: We sang and

A: Oh! That’s a great fun .

四 听录音判断,与短文内容相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”

My is on the 5th of May. I get lots of from my and my . The box is from my ,and there is a book in it.Jack, one of my ,gives me a long box. What’s in it? It’s an . My gives me a round box. I thing It’s a big cakes,but it is a . I like very much, So I’m happy to have it.

Now, my are the song“happy to you”to me.

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