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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-11 02:00:40




Good , and . Today I want to tell you a story about one of my , a and smart girl who is ready to help . Being our grade , she is good at both work and study. In many 's , she is and . But one day she told me she was and . her her and , she could . But the more she about , the more she . She found that she was far from . Last week, she didn’t do well in her quiz, and the day , she was late for a . She felt and , she to be a girl any .

I was to hear that for I she had every to be . , the of has a to her. I told her no one could be and I she find her own .

In fact, are so eager to be that they too much of . They want to be and , and they want to have no or . , we can never avoid and . It’s for us to be a or a . No how we are, there are some flaws. If we hold that be , we would be .

My now has her . She her but still keeps a . She is even more and doesn’t allow the to her of . And I think that’s the way we be!That’s all. Thank you!







Leo once said, of the world, but no one of .

He is right. We have great plans and in our minds… too ready to grand that the world or all of .For ; we hate and have made up our minds to find new that keep the clean. Yet we still on the . We about jams, so we plan to build more to solve the , but it never to us that our to is the cause of this . We are so that the in the media has a bad on our , we urge the to set laws to them. But, do we, as , set a good for our kids? We use nasty words and even spit on the in front of them, I dare to say, we harm more!


In my , we to the world, we had first. As , we do not have the power to the world. But we can our habit of , , , we can the us, we must act as good for our kids.

If each of us does all of these , all of us, and of , we will be … to our world!

So , the next time you do , think how your not only you, but those you too, our …and more …our !




在我看来,在我们打算改变这个世界之前,我们最好先改变一下自己。作为一个普通人,我们其实没有改变这个世界的能力,但是我可以改变我们随地扔垃圾,随地吐痰的坏习惯, 我们应该学会去保护环境,我们应该为我们的孩子起好的表率作用。


朋友,当您在做某一件事情的时候,请您想一想,您的行为会对您周围的人产生怎样的影响, 因为,您的行为不单单影响到您自己,还有您周围的人,更重要的是我们的孩子…甚至我们的世界。


One night, I to my mom about the lack of time. she said,"you are short of time just you waste on and . The point is, no how full your is, if you try hard, you can fit in some thing more."

It is the same with the jar. Even if you place a dozen fist-sized rocks and a of into the jar, there is still space for sand and water the rocks and .

The lack of time is just the for my of every . I that the great line and can be in six words,"I did not have time."The fact is I do have the same of hours per day that were given to Helen , , , and . The point is I have never upon the real of life which lies in , and every of it. No , no delay, no , no ! It is my of or that my is . Once I make full use of every , I that, my will be cut down to .

Time is the most of all our , but the most as well. As Henry David said,"You must live in the , on every wave, find your in each ."


I fell the lack of time in the , I will tell "Carpe diem , seize the day, make every count."




“没时间”无异于我为自己浪费分分秒秒找的托词罢了。我相信成功与失败的一线之差可以用六个字来形容:“我没足够时间。” 然而事实上,我却与海伦.凯勒,帕斯特,杰弗逊和爱因斯坦每天所拥有的时间分秒不差。关键是我并未触及生命的真谛:抓住,享受生命的每一分钟。不要碌碌无为,不要耽搁推迟,不要牢骚抱怨!往往是在我抱怨和迟疑的时候,我的命运就被决定了。而一旦我能善用分分秒秒,我相信我的烦恼也会被逐渐瓦解。


如果将来我再发觉没时间的时候,我会告诫自己,“carpe diem (拉丁语),抓住今天,抓住每分每秒。”






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