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英语作文基本功句子都组织不好 还谈什么英语逻辑思维写作能力

文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-24 01:01:35


英语作文基本功句子都组织不好 还谈什么英语逻辑思维写作能力






上述三点,学生完全或基本作到位了,便可以成功地表达英语逻辑思维写作能力,为此写作一篇英语作文——介绍 AAA历史博物馆——之实战英语短文。


Your and ,

you to the AAA . The for 230 was in 2012 for the 100th of AAA, in 1912. Its of nine parts.

AAA as same as its head at their date. That is to say AAA has been the a more 100 years.

This helps AAA the - in . Going its 100-year-old , AAA, comes to some to grow .

As is known to all by above, with AAA keeps in mind a to his/her , that is to with its in of their own .

This makes us have a and newly - of and AAA .

It that helps its great . This shows an in the of - that is to and with great .


That turns with AAA to on their , in , in . This comes true for in newly , that is by so much with great .

, the are from AAA which, you can see, are so that you can be here with 100-year-old AAA in of its own .

to you on above, I’d like to the , to you, of the AAA . Its go back to Ta Ching Bank .

In 1905, its head , Hu Bu Bank, China’s first one was to as (turn into) the -stage bank in in . In this year’s its in -based Guyi .

After 3-year time, In 1908, Hu Bu Bank was to Ta Ching Bank. At the time, when the -bank for and for , Bank began in loan by using of -funds .

Its was on such a for loan- as its .



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