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文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-02-01 00:05:58



1、人教版(五四制)八年级上英语,各单元主题思维导图,Unit1 Whats the ?,人教版(五四制)八年级上英语,单元主题思维导图,Mandy:,Lisa:,Mandy:,Lisa:,Mandy:,Lisa:,Mandy:,Lisa:,阅读篇 -2b,He is used to risks and _many times of .,When: On April 26, 2003,Where: _,Who: Aron ,What: _ was under a


2、heavy rock.,How to save : He _ half his right arm.,In the book, he tells of the of _and of being in of ones life.,lost his life,Utah,Arons arm,cut, good,,语法篇-情态动词can表示邀请,1, I put the bag here?,He be in the .,We study hard.,Why shoul

3、d he do that?,2,I help her she is in .,You go out alone at night., I open the door?,When we go?,主语++V原+其他,主语++not+V原+其他,+主语+V原+其他?,特殊疑问词++主语+V原+其他?,1,,,,,, / / ,2,We mu


4、st look after very well.,The old man lives by in the .,I spoke to the .,Im not today. 今天我感觉不舒服。,(all) by ,enjoy ,help to,lose in,dress ,teach ,单元整体话题篇,Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.,单元主题思维导图,人教

5、版(五四制)八年级上英语,Helen:,Tom:,Helen:,Tom:,Helen:,Tom:,Helen:,对话篇 -2d,阅读篇 -2b,Ben Miss Li for _ and tells her how him.,Ben is a man and _, so his came up with an get him a dog.,Lucky, the dog, is cle

6、ver and _ and Bens ., money to,Ben would like to send Miss Li _ to show how Lucy helps him.,Ben Miss Li again.,many words,a photo,love ,语法篇-动词不定式,一些动词后面可以接其他动词,我们通常在第二个动词前使用to,并把带to的第二个动词称为不定式,to+动词原形,动词不定式作宾语,动词不定式作宾语补足语,动词不定式作目的状语,如:I want to drink a cup of milk. 我想喝一杯牛奶。,如:He asked me to say it again. 他要求我再说一遍。,如:They went to the to help the sick . 他们去医院帮助生病的孩子。,单元整体话题篇,Unit3 Could you clean your room?,单元主题思维导图,人教版(五四制)八年级上

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